
Jan - 07 2016 | By

Why this blog? I set out to create this blog as a place to think bigger. In my daily life I’ve found most people are very self-limiting. It is as though if they have been unable to do something it by default makes you unable. In this blog I hope to find like minded people who know they can achieve their personal goals. My goal is for this site to be 1-part motivational, 1-part educational, 1-part financial, and 1-part discussion.

I hope to provide some entertaining rants that will cause you to think. Not everyone will agree with me of course, but that is the point. Some respectful, satirical commentary that expands both our lives is greatly appreciated.


As of today 1/7/16 the future course of this is slightly unknown. So let us jump in with the first thought that comes to mind … “C Student Thinking




*Special thanks to Mr. Money Mustache for inspiration to begin this blog. Tons of good reading on his site.

One thought on “Welcome

  1. Mr. Big says:

    This is a test of the comment section, and will be the first comment of the site.

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