The Pursuit of Reading
Why is it people are so opposed to reading? I ask that because reading is absolutely the best way to gain knowledge.
When I was a child I was always fascinated by all the choices on the library shelves. In elementary school I had a favorite book, it was huge in my young eyes. It was titled The Way Things Work By: David Macaulay. I believe I got away with checking this book out one time. Let’s say I was in 3rd grade at the time so a book of that size took me longer than one week to get through. I was fascinated with every detail on every page. At this time I was going to become an engineer because I could build and fix anything if I were an engineer; well at least in my 3rd grade mind. It was not long before the teacher looking over my shoulder noticed this book had “too many pictures”. At the end of the week I was not allowed to re-check the book. I had to “get a real book”. That moment will forever be burned into my mind. How is it that a book that teaches how everyday items work is not a “real book”? None the less I as the student lose and instead spend the next week reading Hank the Cowdog. Don’t get me wrong old Hank is a good read, but I assure you understanding the refrigeration process of an a/c unit has been infinitely more valuable to me than a farm dog who spoke of his adventures guarding the farm.
Perhaps I’m naturally smart, I don’t believe in naturally smart – more so in ambition, but by 5th grade I was finishing assignments before the other students and slightly bored with school. I read the entire book Jurassic Park. A pretty serious novel for a 5th grade student. Obviously not only were my parents reading to me at night, but I remember choosing Jurassic Park off the book rack at Kroger and my mom purchasing it for me. This resulted in Michael Chriton becoming my favorite author; I read several other of his books. I remember Sphere was good, Eaters of the Dead a little less so, Andromeda Strain not so much.
In junior high cars were steadily becoming more important to my future. For sometime I had been reading Car and Driver at Grandpa’s house. Now I needed more to read and learn more about cars. While Car and Driver reviews new cars, Car Craft actually builds/repairs/hot-rods older cars. I learned a lot, in reading two years of that magazine, and have never quit subscribing. I’m ball parking ages, but if I was 13 then, I’m 32 now, that is 9 years of reading Car Craft. It is still my favorite to this day. While I won’t say you should read one article and go tackle a repair, if you read two years and then start repairing your vehicle you will be starting from a good foundation. That was before You Tube, now you could get some basic knowledge and then find you specific application with video on You Tube and be successful sooner.
At age 32 working a professional career as an Accountant I read the best book of my life: The Magic of Thinking Big. At this point I’ve read a fair number of books and certainly a lot of magazines, trade journals, and on-line articles. To say a book is the best book of my life should hold meaning. It became the inspiration not just to start this blog, but also in naming my blog. It will be the first book in my series on book reviews. In the meantime feel free to get a copy for yourself. (The link to Amazon above supports this blog).
Back to the book… so I read this incredible book and recommended it to many friends. I even told my wife it is the best book I’ve ever read. She of course knows I read a lot, but does she read it? No, of course not! This should lead to the conclusion I’m either not as smart as I think I am, or people just don’t read. I am going with the latter because of how few people recommend books to me.
The most common excuse I hear for not reading is a lack of time. This excuse comes from the same people who watch 3 hours of television every night. Again reading almost any book is better than television. In this world of too busy to read people I am able to raise a new daughter, work on my Master’s degree at night, and work 40hrs each week. I will admit when the semester is in my reading may only consisting of assigned reading and Car Craft and Men’s Health. Key fact – I am still reading. I will also admit I don’t really watch TV. This lack of television does have some impact on lunch conversations but my other hobbies fill that void.
Now I am forced to adjust my paradigm, reading is not due to a lack of time but instead a lack of desire and effort. That’s correct most people have become stuck in an entitled, I deserve everything while doing nothing, mindset. If you have read this far you are moving past that mind set. As of today start reading! Preferably non-fiction but I will not knock any kind of reading. In this blog we are mainly to focus on Non-Fiction. (If you are ready for a fun Fiction read check out “One Second After”).
Further, con a friend into reading three posts here. Maybe they will join you in your quest. If they are not able to find some new motivation here, then they may never learn to Think Big.
Mr. Big